Where to Experience a Public Barn Dance

You have a few opportunities to come dance with me at public dances.  As you can see from my calendar, most of my events are private parties where the host doesn't want people there who were not invited.  So come to these regular public dance events instead.

Santa Cruz Live Oak Grange, Santa Cruz

Third Fridays of every month during the school year, we hold a family-friendly dance at the Santa Cruz Live Oak Grange, 1900 17th Ave, Santa Cruz.  Join us for a potluck supper at 6:00 before the dancing starts at 6:30.  We knock off around 8:00 to let everyone get home and have a good night sleep before school the next day.  Live music featuring Deby's Ginormous String Band.  We take the summer off, so no dances in June, July, or August.  We get bumped in November, so no dance in November, either.

Odd Fellows Hall, Half Moon Bay

Last Friday of the month beginning in May 2019 at the Odd Fellows' Hall, 526 Main St, Half Moon Bay. Watch this space for more details, like start and stop times.


From October 21, 2006 until February 16, 2019 I called a barn dance at Pie Ranch every month on the third Saturday of the month. I was the founding caller, and called almost all of the dances there. I only missed a dance when I had an unavoidable conflict. On March 16, 2019, Pie Ranch and I parted company and I will no longer have any involvement in whatever they choose to do on third Saturdays in their barn. I have to honor the County Line Pickers for their steadfast loyalty to that dance over the years, playing countless hours of red-hot old-time music for thousands of dancer's pleasure. I never anticipated that it would turn out to be so popular! It was an honor to play my part in the success of this dance.

Emma Prusch Farm Park, San Jose -- NOW CANCELED

Second Wednesdays of the month FROM March 11, 2015 to January 11, 2017 in the Multi-Cultural Center at Emma Prusch Farm Park, 647 S King Rd, San Jose.  Dancing runs from 7:00 to 9:00.  This event is co-sponsored by me and the Prusch Farm Park Foundation, in cooperation with Veggielution, the urban, organic farm based in Prusch Park.  This dance is significantly similar to the dances I've done at Pie Ranch for many years, but they won't be as crowded, as this space is much larger than the Pie Barn, and so far not everyone has heard about it.  Isn't that a nice change?  Confirm details on the Veggielution page for upcoming events or on Andy's gig calendar.

Copyright © 2004 - 2019, Andy Wilson. All rights reserved. Please write me if you find any typographic errors or broken links on this page.